Saturday, June 16, 2012

Culture Fridays, 6/16: Rio + 20

This Culture Friday, in light of the important international environmental conference Rio + 20, we discussed how the kids could do their part in Rocinha. One of the biggest problems facing the development of the community in Rocinha is trash collection and recycling. Currently, there are very few public trash cans, and many are prone to throw their trash in the streets. However, recent improvements include the government trash collection program which takes trash out of the favela and into the dump, which comes around daily, and campaigns around Rocinha to increase trash awareness, and help to create a culture of picking up trash to keep the favela clean.

Here at 2bros, we ran a trash pick-up competition! Rebekah bought prizes for the kids that were all scholarly related, including a chalk board, calculators, pencils,and notebooks. The kids who picked up the most trash were allowed to choose first! The kids really loved it.

After the trash pick-up, the group got back together and discussed why picking up trash is important, and also talked about some of the weird things people found lying around the streets.

Parabéns Ana Clara, who picked up the most out of the group!

Joining us was Aida,once again, and a new Voluntourist Flor Preto who stopped in to help out for the night from Argentina.