Saturday, May 12, 2012

Field trip: Music Concert - 5/4/12

On May 4th, one of our Resident Volunteers, Rebekah Santos, led the children's class on a field trip for our Culture Friday. She took both sections of the children's class to include everyone, about 25 people. Our Voluntourist Aida helped her out, and between the two of them the trip went really well!

Veja! Take a look at some photos of their Passeio:

They went to the other side of the passarella in Rocinha, near the Samba School, and saw a musical presentation by the group Harmonitango, from Argentina. It was a wonderful chance for the kids to go out and see something they wouldn't necessarily have attended. A few of the kids are really interested in music, and all of them appreciated being taken somewhere special.

Here is a link to see the group playing at the same venue but on a different date. Take a look:

The kids loved it, and we are planning the next field trip for another cultural experience, hopefully to come soon.

Want to be a Resident Volunteer? Find out more information here.

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